Alessandro Pianaro
IT professional

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This is my personal website.

Also a place to link my various other sites on the net, and share some of my software tools.

Most of the contents here are about Information Technology, based on the experience I have developed through time.

Windows Server / Networking / Active Directory / MS SQL Server / MS Visual Studio / .NET / HTML5 / CSS3 / jQuery / Bootstrap
Useful tools, designed to make a sysadmin's life simpler
Active Directory domains, SQL Server hints, programming, and more. Visit the blog »

You can find my detailed CV on my LinkedIn page.
Here is a very brief summary if you are in a hurry:

  • freelance web designer
  • freelance programmer
2000s-today: (in Baxi S.p.A., a company part of a multinational group)
  • system administrator - Windows Server and Active Directory environments
  • MS SQL Server DB administrator, T-SQL programmer
  • application/Web developer - MS Visual Studio and Ruby on Rails
  • MS Office (VBA) developer
  • Lotus Notes/Domino mail system administrator.

Besides my main specialized software projects, I have developed some tools that I think would be interesting for companies which prefer to avoid expensive and complex enterprise tools.

They are made for Active Directory environments, and designed to make a sysadmin's life simpler.

Take a look at their dedicated site for all the details, features and screenshots.

Shows at a glance the information that the standard Active Directory management tools do not provide. It shows information about:
  • inactive/disabled users and computers;
  • computers grouped by OS;
  • locked users, expired/expiring users and passwords;
  • groups by type, empty groups.
Moreover, it can:
  • retrieve any information about a computer (hardware/software inventory, logged user, running processes, services);
  • connect to it remotely (via RDP or VNC);
  • manage it remotely (via management console or registry);
  • retrieve any information about a domain user (creation date, last logon, last password change, expiration, group membership);
and much more.

A very simple and effective network backup tool to reduce the effort in managing PC backups.
  • entirely managed by the system administrator;
  • no installation necessary, it can be copied on a network share to be accessible to all users;
  • backup is compressed and moved to a predefined network share;
  • setup is made via a simple centralized text file.

My technical blog, formerly called Alex's Vault, contains a series of articles regarding my experiences with Active Directory domains, Terminal servers, programming, and more.
You can find it at pianaro.wordpress.com.

Its goal is to discuss, in a simple and practical way, techniques and information that I consider poorly documented or particularly interesting. I try to follow a clear and direct approach.
Feel free to explore it and leave your (constructive) comments.
I hope you can find it useful.





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